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Analyst Briefings, News From Around the Network & Verified Member Contributor Posts

With news making headlines every day in the built world, Analyst Briefings, News From Network Members, and Expert Contributor Posts help keep member connected and up to date.

In addition to our own Analyst Briefings, our Verified Contributor Program empowers members to submit analysis in their fields of expertise, while our News from Around the Network pulls updates posted by member companies from their company pages to help keep the network connected.

Fantasy Football? Stadium Deals Abound Despite Track Record

February 29, 2016

“Build it and they will come.” (Well, not always.) On this chilly morning
after the Oscars, reality usually sounds a rude alarm. But cities
invariably hit the Snooze button when it comes to pro football, often vying
to outspend each other to lure teams away.

4D Modeling Guides Residence Hall Enclosure

February 25, 2016

A high-profile design-build residence hall at the University of Chicago is
on schedule for students to move in this summer, thanks in part to the
daily use of 4D modeling throughout the project. Mortenson’s Joel Sandridge
tracks the progress.

WATCH: We Visit Northwestern to See Our 3D Printing Partners In Action

February 23, 2016

BW’s video team last week traveled to the shores of Lake Michigan to see
how our six-student engineering team at Northwestern University is
progressing with its ambitious project to build a 3D concrete printer. 

Untethered Possibilities Await AR World

February 22, 2016

In the world of realities, augmented hasn’t exactly been leading the
technological headlines. It’s been Oculus this, and virtual that. But as
we’ve recently seen, that may be changing…

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Procore Event Uncorks Bevy of New Tools

February 22, 2016

In the still-forming firmament of the construction technology universe,
certain annual events already have an iconic cachet. Arguably the most fun
is Procore’s sun-drenched festival of apps, held each winter on the
Southern California coast.

Northwestern Students Discover the Realities of 3D Printing

February 16, 2016

Behold, the second installment of the new series, written by our six
favorite engineering students. Now six weeks into a new semester, the BW-NU
team is deep into its ongoing work of building a concrete 3D Printer.
Here’s the latest…

Have an interesting topic or piece of news that you'd like us to write about? Email research@builtworlds.com with your ideas.