About Bentley iTwin Ventures

Bentley iTwin Ventures is the corporate venture capital arm of Bentley Systems, the infrastructure engineering software company. The fund fosters innovation by co-investing in startups and emerging companies that are strategically relevant to Bentley Systems’ objective of advancing infrastructure through going digital. The fund prioritizes seed to series B investments in transformational digital twin solutions supporting the design, construction, and ongoing operations & maintenance of physical infrastructure assets.

Key Facts

Pennsylvania, United States
Company Type
Company Specialty
Collaboration & Documentation, Data Analytics, Design, Energy Products, Planning, Technology Development


The Future of Engineering Software: Immersive Experience

iTwin platform – open foundation for infrastructure digital twins

iTwin Innovation 2021

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With the open nature of the iTwin platform, data from iTwin Ventures portfolio company Niricson’s Autospex software can then be fed into Bentley’s AssetWise Dam Monitoring product, then married with the reality model and IoT data to see cracking analysis superimposed with temperature, displacement, vibrations and other metrics

Leveraging Bentley’s iTwin® platform, iTwin Ventures portfolio company EVERCAM recently launched 4D view, which combines real-time, high-quality video footage of the jobsite with a digital twin.

With the iTwin Platform, Silo AI could visualize the various data sources and the results of data analysis simply and very cost efficiently
