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Analyst Briefings, News From Around the Network & Verified Member Contributor Posts

With news making headlines every day in the built world, Analyst Briefings, News From Network Members, and Expert Contributor Posts help keep member connected and up to date.

In addition to our own Analyst Briefings, our Verified Contributor Program empowers members to submit analysis in their fields of expertise, while our News from Around the Network pulls updates posted by member companies from their company pages to help keep the network connected.

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

Leaving the tried and true to ‘engage’ a higher calling

January 15, 2015

Lean but not mean, Chicago startup Engage Civil is not only looking to
reinvent the engineering profession, but owner Kelsey Taylor wants to
elevate the industry, as well. Some may say that he’s a dreamer, but… 

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

TOXIC! Our 7 most useful materials certification, disclosure systems

January 14, 2015

Two of VOA’s top sustainability experts look at what they consider to be
our industry’s most useful certification and labeling systems, standards,
scorecards and ecolabels.

New $1.4B Falcons Stadium will soar on sustainability

January 8, 2015

Atlanta’s Falcons are already on vacation, but construction crews are
working through the winter on the team’s new home, on track to make it the
first-ever LEED platinum-certified football stadium when it opens in 2017.

Connectivity, BIM conquer complexity with collaboration

January 7, 2015

Could we be moving into a world where project partners are selected on
capability rather than price? Arup’s experience at UCSF’s Mission Bay
Hospital suggests that tantalizing possibility. Yes, welcome to the Big

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

Trimble, Clayco among those cleared for drone takeoff by FAA

December 23, 2014

In a significant move by the FAA, four U.S. firms have been cleared for
commercial drone use, two of them from the built environment. All
indications suggest many more are to come.

Bridging tech divide to bring safe access to remote villages

December 23, 2014

Bridges to Prosperity’s work in Rwanda has served as a proving ground for
the fusion of simplicity + technology, with the aim of eliminating poverty
wherever isolation is to blame. B2P alum Andrew Seelaus reports.

Have an interesting topic or piece of news that you'd like us to write about? Email research@builtworlds.com with your ideas.