Round Up: News From Hangar, FARO, Microdesk, Ving, and Grit

What’s happening this week in our industry? Here’s our Friday round up of news and announcements from members of the BuiltWorlds network. Want to be included? Send your press releases or story ideas to

1. Hangar provides an avenue for making drones accessible to nonprofits

The Hangar Robotics-as-a-System™ (RaaS) Platform directs autonomous robots to collect data on site. Hangar just launched Hangar OnDemand for Communities, a section of the Hangar website that will help non-profit organizations request aerial data of specific sites.


2. FARO releases 2018 version of BuiltIT software

FARO, a leading provider of 3D visualization solutions for the AEC space, recently released the BuildIT Construction application. BuildIT allows users to compare CAD files to scans of real objects. Vito Marone, FARO’s chief product owner, explained that BuildIT makes the FARO system superior to other similar tools on the market because FARO provides an integrated ecosystem of both hardware and software.


3. Microdesk sold the most new subscriptions of Autodesk

Microdesk, one of the nation’s leading technology consulting firms for the built industry, received an award at the Autodesk One Team Conference for selling more Autodesk Cloud subscriptions than any other supplier in the US.

4. Ving relates common misconceptions about disengaged employees

Ving, a video platform for providing and monitoring employee safety training, wants to bust the myths that disengaged employees are lazy and that pizza parties will fix their problems.


5. Grit is counting down to its beta release

Grit, a construction planning engine that utilizes VR technology, will begin beta testing in early April.
